motivating students to believe in themselves and the dreams that they are passionate about.
“Josh caters the delivery of his message to all age groups, from Kindergarten to high school. He knows how to connect with youth.”
Everyone has unique challenges and gifts
All students have challenges to work through, some are more visible than others’. When we have compassion for others’ challenges and our own, and recognize our unique gifts, we are able to learn from each other, work together and reach greater heights. Everyone has dreams they wish to achieve. It all starts with a positive supportive environment at school, to learn and grow through our challenges. with dedicated work. Understanding our feelings and what they are telling us and fostering a positive mindset.
teaching the value of dedicated work, focus, and how the mind can help in the face of challenges.
It’s difficult for students to maintain focus in today’s digital environment full of distractions. The internet and social media have caused shorter attention spans, a rise in self expectations and pressures, and a more accessible means to experience cyber bullying.
Studies are finding that the digital age has resulted in anxiety becoming an increasing issue. Teachers and parents can easily observe this. Mental health has finally begun to receive the attention it deserves, along with physical health and well-being… but more work is needed to provide youth with tools and resources. Mindful meditation and breathing practices are key in overcoming anxiety, and help emotional regulation. Often the solutions to problems come when we are able to clear the mind and find stillness and peace.
Josh shares stories of how his dedication, focus, mindset and resilience brought him success. The big dreams we want to achieve don’t happen overnight; it takes time and patience. As we move through the tough challenges, we gain strength and character. Our mindset is key in maintaining confidence and positivity when facing obstacles. Josh shares stories of his ‘losses’, and how those instances taught him important lessons that were needed to be able to reach the ‘wins’.
instilling resilience and confidence in the next generation.
“ Josh knew what it was like to face challenges and bullying at an early age. He knows the importance of respect and unity. He embraced his differences and unique gifts, and chased his dreams with dedication, focus, and resilience. ”
Messaging includes:
FOCUS & DEDICATION- helping students' goals and dreams become reality
CONFIDENCE BUILDING- How to believe in yourself
ANTI-BULLYING & INCLUSION- providing perspective for students, encouraging to respect each others' differences
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH- releasing stigma through conversation, discouraging judgement and encouraging support.
Let’s chat! I’ll include any additional customized messaging to address specific challenges the school/students are currently facing.
Pricing- $500 / school presentation with q+a
*** Additional costs may be incurred depending on location. Virtual Events available at a discounted rate.